Debt Free Counselor offers the fastest and least expensive way to eliminate credit debt as well as a great alternative to bankruptcy. If your credit cards, medical bills, personal loans or collection accounts have become overwhelming, our credit card debt relief program can help. We offer a free financial analysis as well as a variety of options pertaining to your particular financial situation. We can reduce your debt so you can pay it off fast and be done with it forever.
Eliminate Your Debt Now
Debt settlement is an option not only when simple budgeting stops working but for those whose finances have been affected by uncontrollable circumstances such as job loss, medical problems or loss of income. Debt Free Counselor provides it’s services to consumers ovewhelmed in debt in New York. We do Debt Relief NY and Debt Settlement New York.
Legitimate Business is Good Business
Our accounts are serviced and negotiated by Crusader Consumer Services, the Nation’s leader in credit card debt relief. We are proud to report that for the past six years Crusader Services has maintained a standard of excellence well above the rest. They’re reputable work ethic has earned them an “A” rating with the Better Business Bureau as well as a solid reputation in customer service.

The Importance of Legitimate Hardship
A debt settlement program is meant for those who are in legitimate hardship and cannot continue paying their unsecured debts with high interest rates. It is not for people who have no problems managing their debts and just want to avoid paying out their full balances. Unlike debt management and credit counseling programs, debt settlement does not broadcast monthly on your credit report and allows you to pay down your balances at a reduced amount (usually a fraction of the total), interest-free.
Debt Free Counselor provides free consultations for consumers experiencing medical or financial hardship and are overwhelmed by credit cards, personal loans, medical bills, collection accounts, or other unsecured debts. You can fill out our application page and be contacted by one of our debt counselors or you can call now to be connected immediately